How To Clean Your Oven In 3 Easy Steps

Nothing like the smell of a freshly cleaned oven wafting through your home. But if you dread cleaning your oven, don't worry—it's not as difficult as it seems! Following these three simple steps, you'll have your oven sparkling clean.

Step One: Remove Everything from Your Oven

Before you start cleaning, you'll need to remove everything from your oven. This includes the racks, foil or liners, and anything else inside. Once everything is out, give the empty oven a quick wipe-down with a damp cloth to remove any loose debris.

Step Two: Clean the Racks and Other removable Parts

Once the oven is empty, it's time to focus on the removable parts. If your oven racks are particularly dirty, you may want to soak them in hot soapy water for a few minutes before scrubbing. Use an old toothbrush or other small brush for hard-to-reach areas to eliminate stubborn grime. 

Once the racks and other parts are clean, put them aside and move on to Step Three.

Step Three: Clean the Oven cavity

Now it's time to tackle the main event: cleaning the oven cavity. Before you begin, consult your oven's manual—some models require special cleaners or procedures. Once you've determined what cleaner to use, apply it evenly over the oven's surface using a sponge or brush. 

You may need to let the cleaner sit for a few minutes before wiping it away for tough stains. Once the cavity is clean, please give it a final rinse with warm water and dry it with a clean towel. And that's it! Your oven is now sparkling clean and ready for action.

Cleaning your oven doesn't have to be a dreaded chore. By following these three simple steps, you can have your oven looking like new in no time. So don't put off that cleaning project any longer—get started today!


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